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Blog - Relative Pitch

So following on from last months blog lets discuss Relative Pitch and it's importance.

If the thought of trying to obtain 'Perfect Pitch' is a little too daunting then no need to fret! Relative Pitch is probably the most common and easiest method of aural perception.

Most guitarists and musicians begin learning Relative Pitch without realising it, a great example of this is hearing the difference between a major and minor chord. For most people a major chord will sound happy while a minor chord sounds sad, don't forget that the D minor chord is the saddest chord of all - voila Nigel Tufnel ; )

Simply attaching an emotion, feeling or a visualization of an object to a chord can help one associated the tonality of the chord in question. For example I've always thought a Major 7th chord sounds like a cloud in the sky.

This skill, with the knowledge of musical theory can help one literally work out chord progressions and songs on the fly without the aid of notation or a chord chart.

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